6120 Apple’s Way
Lincoln NE 68516
Ashley was raised in Texas but have been living in Lincoln for over 25 years so I have nearly no accent except for the overuse of the word “y’all”. I met my husband, Mark, in high school and we were married in 2003. We have 4 boyish boys and a sassy little girl who runs it all.
A unique tidbit about our family is that all 5 of our kiddos came to us through adoption…our youngest 4 through foster/adoption. Because I’m most comfortable in chaos, we also have 3 “dog children” who are definitely our best listeners. Finally, I quickly realized I had the aptitude for mortgage lending. Holding both a real estate and mortgage banking accreditation, allows me to help you shop for the perfect home and find a great mortgage program to fit your needs!
I’ve been so honored to be a top agent out of 1,000+ agents over my 16-year career. What I love about this industry is that I get to help clients through a historically stressful process. I like meeting and strategizing about what needs to be done to make the home more marketable. I have an inner circle of dependable contractors and resources to aid my clients in prepping their homes to sell. I’ve seen such incredible results with selling quickly and for the at-or-above asking price and much of that is due to the prep work beforehand.
With my buyers, it’s all about zeroing in what they want, what their price point is and being proactive so we are the “winning offer” in a competitive market. There is a lot of strategy to the buying side as well and we are 110% in it together. I’ve been so honored to be a top agent out of 1,000+ agents over my 16-year career. It is because of my incredible clients who trust me and refer me to their friends and family. Not surprisingly, many clients become like family to ME. It’s a people business. If you choose people over everything, it’s always a win.